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Euler to quaternions transformation

Quaternions to Euler transformation

How to use ?

In a right handed coordinate system rotation about “X” - axis is considered as roll rotation, rotation about “Y” - axis is considered as pitch and rotation about “Z” - axis is considered as yaw. Similary, “X” is considered as axis number “1”, “Y” is considered as axis number “2” and “Z” is considered as axis number “3”. Now the sequence of rotation 321 or ZYX mean, first rotation about “Z” - axis or Yaw axis, then the new intermediate frame is rotated about new “Y” - axis or Pitch axis followed by roation about new “X” - axis that is Roll axis. Similarly, rotation sequence 313 or ZXZ mean, first rotation about Yaw axis, then rotation about new Roll axis followed by again a rotation about new Yaw axis (Note : Here the new yaw axis is different from first rotation about Yaw axis as there is an intermediate rotation about Roll axis) .

  • For Euler to Quaternion Transformation

    The inputs of roll, pitch and yaw roation can be given degrees or radians format. It can be noted that user have the option to choose degrees or radians independently. For example, roation about roll angle can be given in degrees and rotation about other two axes can be in radians.